At approximately 1300 on 6/21 AVSAR was paged out for an injured climber, who had fallen over 100ft down a snow field in the attempt to summit Ellingwood Point via the South Zapata Approach. The 23 year old woman, who was in a party of four, reported significant pain in both knees. AVSAR requested a lift ticket insertion from REACH Air Medical Services and placed a mutual aid request through Colorado Search and Rescue Association (CSAR). Help quickly arrived from our neighboring counties, Custer County SAR (CCSAR) and Chaffee County Search and Rescue – South (CCSAR-S). Six team members were inserted by REACH-29 and an additional 9 team members began the 5.5 mile ascent up the South Zapata trail, in the event that REACH-29 was unable to evacuate the subject. The teams began a technical lower of the subject down approximately 1000ft of scree field into the lower basin where REACH-29 was waiting. The subject was air lifted out by approximately 2130. All teams were out of the field by 0055 on 6/22, and were greeted by food and drinks graciously provided by Alamosa County Sheriff’s Office – Victims Advocates.